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By Title
ZFS Inode GenerationsQuickly determining the ZFS transaction generation of an inode.
Sudo-less TLS with Let's Encrypt`` brings a straighforward setup.
A Bondmode Band-AidIn which an ever-ready watch keep standing up the bond when it spontaneously falls down.
PxrLMLayer Blending is BrokenLayers only care about themselves.
A Complete Shotgun SchemaReading the "private" schema for all the details.
Querying Private Shotgun EntitiesDeep linking your way into the internal API.
A Pop-Up Says "You must update $PLUGIN"It is okay to respond to these sorts of prompts, and here is why.
Static Libraries in a Dynamic WorldCreating more honest versions of wrapped APIs.
WordPress, and the Pingback of DeathThe journey to discover why I couldn't keep a website up.
When to NOT Linearize Your TexturesAlthough most images are non-linear, sometimes you should leave them that way.
Repairing Python Virtual EnvironmentsWhen upgrading Python breaks our environment, we can rebuild.
The Evils of Gamifying GitYour green squares do you little good, and encourage bad behaviour.
Checking IMAP for a PulseWhen you don't trust your mail client to tell you everything.
When Normals Aren'tClassifying attributes as "normal" so Houdini will transform them.
Digital Ocean is Stingy on the SwapSometimes a little swap space is all you need, but you have to put in a little effort for it.
Streamlining MySQL AuthenticationQuick tip for easy access.
Catching Comment Spam in a HoneypotHow a tempting target can reveal automated spammers.
Parsing Python with Python(Ab)using the tokenize module.
"Are we getting the same SSL cert?"A tiny webapp to help answer that question.
Which Python?Finding packages, modules, and entry points.
Where Does the `sys.path` Start?Constructing Python's `import` path
Dictionary Building for Word-SearchMining Wikipedia for a "geek" lexicon.
Autocompleting Python ModulesSimplifying the search for modules to execute from a shell.
@classpropertyIs this an amazing, or terrible idea?
Linear RAW ConversionsThe first step when using photos in your computer graphics.
How Not to Store Passwords: Adobe EditionA quick peek at the Adobe password breach.
Yet Another Reason I Hate Time
Git Metadata In-BandMoving configuration and hooks into the tree.
Render HeatmapsAre pictures worth 1000 statistics?
The UX of Coupon CodesHow to (try to) avoid confusion and apprehension.
Nginx May Cut You Off EarlyHow the default configuration bit me.
My Report Card
RenderMan Textures from Python
Anatomy of a Maya Binary CacheDAGs all the way down.
Resources for Learning PythonWe can do this the hard way, or the easy way...
A Pool of ShotgunsA transparent connection pool for the Shotgun API in heavily threaded environments.
SIGGRAPH 2012 - Day 5Until Next Year
SIGGRAPH 2012 - Day 4On Massive Projects
SIGGRAPH 2012 - Day 3Technical Papers - Video Processing
SIGGRAPH 2012 - Day 2
SIGGRAPH 2012 - Day 1Too Much to See
New Project: Haikuize
Pseudo suExec with PHP Behind NginxFor those who don't want to run more than one php-cgi... for some reason.
Friendlier (and Safe) Blog Post URLs
Ultimate physical limits to computationLloyd, Seth. 2000. Ultimate physical limits to computation. Nature 406:1047–1054.
The Gooch Lighting Model"A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model For Automatic Technical Illustration"
Cleaning Comments with Akismet
New Demo Reel
Fangoria writes about "Blind Spot"
Torontoist writes about "Blind Spot"
"Blind Spot" Festival Run
RoboHash and Gravatar
Canon XF100 to Apple ProResAs lossless as I can manage it.
The many hidden versions in Dropbox
OATH-Toolkit 1.10 on OS X: UPDATE
New Cards
One Time Passwords for SSH on Ubuntu and OS X