Study Time

Captured with a Canon EOS 5D and 32mm lens at f/16 for 1/100s and 100 ISO.

At some point this week I realised what a waste of paper all this studying is. So I figured I should honour all the paper lost to us by my maths and physics. (And it is all double sided, BTW)

This only took 3 hours more to setup than I thought I would. I added a 3rd light (the black one aiming up) and snapped a few shots with my Rebel so all could see; check them out here and here.

Originally posted to for April 23rd, 2006 with 3 comments:

Nica on April 24th, 2006:
Holy WOAH!!! I love this picture!!!

I don't even know what to say, it's just ... wow!

jo on May 3rd, 2006:
HOLY CRAP! are those just study notes? or class notes too. wait! stupid question, you don't make class notes.. jeeze.. imagine if you DID make class notes. that would be trippled...if not more! awesome photo

Mike on May 23rd, 2006:
I know I've said this in person, but...

In fact I do take notes. And what you see happens to be all of my study notes for all the maths and physics, and then class notes for all the maths and physics. When those ran out there are also all of my film theory notes out there. And my production notes. And whatever random scribbles i could find. And then I had to use about 50 sheets of blank lined paper to finish it off. It's a shite load of paper.