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Page 1 of posts tagged "python" from September 07, 2014

Catching Comment Spam in a Honeypot

How a tempting target can reveal automated spammers.

A couple years ago I wrote about using Akismet to catch spam.

Since then, Akismet has successfully captured tens of thousands of spam comments to this site. However, since I'm not comfortable completely accepting the results from a Baysian filter, I've dutifully been stuffing them into my database. However, it is getting a little silly:

$ sqlite3 main.sqlite
sqlite> SELECT is_spam, count(1) FROM blog_comments GROUP BY is_spam;

Ouch. Lets clean that out and see what happens.

$ cp main.sqlite bak.sqlite
$ sqlite3 main.sqlite
sqlite> DELETE FROM blog_comments WHERE is_spam AND NOT visible;
sqlite> vacuum;
sqlite> .quit
$ ls -lh
-rw-rw----  1 mikeboers mikeboers 19905536 Sep  7 16:35 bak.sqlite
-rw-rw----  1 mikeboers mikeboers  2811904 Sep  7 16:37 main.sqlite

17MB of my 20MB database was spam comments!

In my first post I outlined the various methods of spam detection: manual auditing, captchas, honeypots, and contextual filtering (i.e. Akismet). Lets quickly add another one of these to exponentially increase our confidence.

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